Over the years, Jane Burdette has been involved with a wide variety of charitable organizations throughout our community. She has been very active in disability awareness programs and groups, social service and women’s groups and numerous other community organizations. Several years ago, in order to provide support for important charitable causes she cared most about, Ms. Burdette established the Jane E. Burdette Advised Charitable Fund with the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation.
“I have been involved with many community groups and have been able to see worthwhile ideas become reality with the Foundation’s assistance,” said Ms. Burdette.
As the daughter of the late Jewel and C. Richard Burdette, Jr., also fund founders at the PACF, Jane was educated in Wood County schools, being the first student to attend regular classes while using a wheelchair for muscular dystrophy, and graduated from Parkersburg High School. She earned college degrees from Parkersburg Community College and Glenville State College and her master’s degree from West Virginia University. She also received an honorary Doctorate of Divinity.
The Jane E. Burdette Advised Charitable Fund provides financial assistance to worthwhile community projects, with special attention to projects that are new, innovative, and creative and those that respond to important community needs.
“In life, all of us are given a torch to carry,” said Ms. Burdette. “It’s up to each and every one of us to keep it burning bright as long as we have it and until we turn it over to someone else.”