Ritchie County residents care about their communities, and so do we. The Ritchie County Community Foundation (RCCF) works with individuals, families, businesses, and civic or nonprofit organizations to make a positive and permanent commitment for the future of Ritchie County.
Since 2000, the RCCF has helped local citizens support charitable needs and touch every aspect of life in the community in a variety of lasting ways. Designed to improve Ritchie County citizen's lives both now and in the future, income from RCCF's endowment funds are distributed annually to nonprofits organizations and students throughout Ritchie County. To date, the Ritchie County Community Foundation has invested more than $480,000 into local causes that enrich the lives of all Ritchie County residents
RCCF 25th Anniversary Reception
Join Us
Celebrate the work of the Ritchie Community Foundation, hear from recent grantees, and share your suggestions on community needs. This is not a fund-raising event -- it's a friend-raising event!
Local Leadership
The RCCF Advisory Board is dedicated to ensuring your gifts to the Foundation will forever honor you and your loved ones, while making the most long-term investment for our county.
Our Recent Grants
To date, the Ritchie County Community Foundation has invested more than $460,000 into local causes that enrich the quality of life of all Ritchie County residents.
online giving
Anyone can give back to our local community
It's easy to donate online to support the Ritchie County Community Foundation or any of its individual charitable funds. Online gifts may also be made in honor or in memory of a special person.