Established in 2000 by a committed group of forward-thinking individuals, the Doddridge County Community Foundation (DCCF) helps you give efficiently, effectively, and meaningfully to support your favorite causes and charities working to improve the quality of life in Doddridge County. Together, we can do more by working together than by working alone.
To date, the Doddridge County Community Foundation has invested more than $340,000 into local causes that enrich the lives of all Doddridge County residents.
Local Leadership
When a group of like-minded, forward-thinking Doddridge Countians, the DCCF was created to allow friends and neighbors to invest in the good of all of Doddridge County and its residents.
Our Recent Grants
To date, the Doddridge County Community Foundation has invested more than $330,000 into local causes that enrich the lives of all Doddridge County residents.
Online Giving
Support your community by donating today
It's easy to donate online to the Doddridge County Community Foundation or any of its individual charitable funds. Your gift may also be made in honor or in memory of a special person.