Hidden Gems
To commemorate its "diamond" 60th anniversary, the PACF sought from the public those special people who are the "hidden gems" of our region and who personify the Foundation's values of partnering, learning, generosity, inclusiveness, and integrity. A committee of part PACF Board members are currently reviewing the nominations to select our "Gems of Our Community."

Meet your community foundation
The Parkersburg Area Community Foundation is committed to improving our collective future by inspiring philanthropy and connecting people with opportunities to make a meaningful difference; engaging citizens to address key issues; and delivering results that matter for the people of our area.

Let's celebrate together
We’re honored to celebrate this special 60th Anniversary occasion with a year-long calendar of events and programs across our region.

Growing philanthropy for today and tomorrow
60 years ago, a group of forward-thinking individuals met to discuss the future of their community and the possibility of creating something that would address and support important community needs and opportunities. From that informal meeting, the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation blossomed. Years later, the Foundation has become an incredible force for good in the Parkersburg area -- providing transformational grants, creating community collaborations, and inspiring philanthropy.