The Parkersburg Area Community Foundation and Regional Affiliates (PACF) and the Sisters Health Foundation (SHF) are partnering to help local agencies respond to community needs related to COVID-19. The SHF recently awarded $25,000 to the PACF's Safety Net Fund to enable joint response to priority needs in the region. The PACF will match this gift 1:1.

This funding will be used to address food access and distribution, the needs of the senior population, and needs related to mental health and addiction. Agencies addressing these needs and who serve individuals impacted by COVID-19 are encouraged to contact Marian Clowes at the PACF to discuss their need for support.

"We are grateful to be able to work smarter together in partnership with the Parkersburg Area Community Foundation," said Renee Steffen, SHF's Executive Director. "It is great to see so many organizations working together during this time and this partnership is an extension of that community spirit."

The PACF's Safety Net Fund is designed to support the basic and emergency needs of our region's citizens. Individuals who would like to help the Foundation respond to both the short-term and long-term needs of our community are encouraged to donate to support the Foundation's Safety Net Fund. Donations may be made online at or by mailing a check payable to "PACF" to PO Box 1762, Parkersburg WV 26102-1762. The PACF will be proactively distributing these funds in our community to meet priority needs as they arise.

"We are fortunate here in the Mid-Ohio Valley to have long-term partnerships among foundations that have enabled us to respond more effectively to community needs," said Judy Sjostedt, PACF's Executive Director. "This new partnership between the PACF and the SHF will enable both foundations to respond more efficiently in this time when it is critical to deploy resources quickly and flexibly."