Liverpool, on the county line of Roane and Jackson counties in West Virginia, is a community originally built around the timber industry. The oil boom shortly after the turn of the twentieth century produced an expansion of the village and the addition of a post office, church, school, hotel, barber shop, two stores and a livery stable. Additionally, a train, which ran between Spencer and Ravenswood, made regular stops in Liverpool. However, World War II brought an exodus to more industrialized areas for employment in defense plants. The loss of population devastated the community which now consists of a few homes and a church.
The Shimp Family Advised Fund provides support for charitable causes in the Liverpool area, including the maintenance of the historic Liverpool Cemetery. The fund was established at the Foundation by Kathleen (Shimp) Valentine, Lucille (Shimp) Mitchell, and Mary Ann (Shimp) Wilson to honor the memory of their parents, grandparents, and their late brother and support the place they consider "home."
The Shimp sisters' grandparents, Simon and Melvina Barker Shimp, were married in 1894 in Ohio but soon moved to a hillside farm near Liverpool. Country life was difficult for the young couple - there was no electricity, running water, or natural gas available. As their family grew to include three sons and a daughter, rooms were added to their small two room home.
E.O. (Oscar), the second son, taught school briefly in Lewis County, eventually taking up residence in Liverpool and beginning a 49-year career as a rural mail carrier in Jackson County. He and his wife Beulah, were the parents of Kathleen, Lucille, and Mary Ann and Billie E.
"My sisters and I still consider Liverpool home," Lucille said. "Therefore, the idea of setting up a fund to assist the area, seemed like a natural thing to do. This fund will allow us to continue to support our hometown long after we have gone. We always thought that setting up a fund with the Foundation was for rich people - not just for us ordinary people. But we were wrong and this partnership to support the Liverpool cemetery and community has turned out to be truly wonderful. This fund will allow us to continue to support our hometown long after we have gone."