The Powell Law Office Wood County Scholarship Assistance for WVU College of Law was created by attorney J.C. Powell and Powell Law Office to provide scholarship support to students attending the West Virginia University College of Law who were previous graduates of a Wood County, West Virginia high school and are current residents of Wood County. The scholarship will support students who intend, upon graduation, to return to Wood County and provide consumer protection legal services to West Virginians.
The fund honors James M. Powell, father of fund creator J.C. Powell. James M. Powell, also an attorney who was committed to making sure that consumers have access to courts and helpful lawyers.
"Fighting corporations, insurance companies, and bad people to right a wrong requires lawyers who understand everyday problems and be willing to fight for justice," said J.C. Powell.
Powell Law Offices has been helping people since 1917. Since that time, tens of thousands of clients have benefited from their representation. This scholarship continues this spirit of caring by assisting law students in studying consumer law and learning how to help those in need.
According to J.C. Powell, he "wants others to also fight injustice and protect the citizens of our community. Lawyers dedicated to helping West Virginians with their legal problems are always in need."