Lilian and Leo Levey arrived in Parkersburg in 1942 and devoted their lives to their family, their work, and their community. In 1950, they both went to work for Sid's Furniture Mart on Market Street, where Leo worked for forty years as president of the company. Lilian was the company auditor until they both retired.
Both Lilian and Leo found time to support many civic affairs in Parkersburg and were both active in Parkersburg's beautification projects, such as Sid's Corner, the improvements at the Lily Pond, and new bleachers for the ball park. They were also members of B'nai Israel Temple and participated both in local and statewide Jewish activities.
After Leo's retirement, he became involved in the Read Aloud Program, where he volunteered to read once a week to children in Wood County Schools. He occasionally took Lilian along for show and tell.
The Leveys had three children. There are 5 Levey grandchildren. Lilian Levey passed away in July 1993, and Leo Levey passed away in January 1997.