
The Hon. Larry Border Memorial Scholarship for WVU School of Pharmacy was created by the family of Larry Border to honor his lifelong dedication to assisting individuals in whom he saw potential to realize their dreams to become pharmacists.
Larry Border was born in Parkersburg, WV, to Willis and Helen Border, who were originally from Ritchie Co., WV. He graduated from Parkersburg High School in 1970, then attended Parkersburg Community College before attending West Virginia University, where he graduated from WVU School of Pharmacy in 1975. Larry worked as a pharmacist for over 35 years, and he trained many WVU pharmacy students over the years. Larry married his wife Anna in 1973 and they had three children (Heather, Rebecca, and Christopher) and eight grandchildren.
Larry was an active member and trustee at Word of God Ministries Church. He sang, along with his wife, Anna, in the "Friends" gospel quartet. He devoted himself to the Parkersburg and Davisville Communities, to Wood and Wirt Counties, and to the state of WV, in numerous ways over the years as a Charter Member of the Eastwood Lions Club, where he was a Melvin Jones Fellow recipient, and in the Wood County Planning Commission, Wood County Republican Committee, and as a member in the West Virginia State Legislature in the House of Delegates for 21 years. In the House of Delegates, Larry mentored many new delegates to the WV Legislature, and he also served as Minority Whip. He was the Minority Chairman of the House Health and Human Resources Committee and a member of the House Finance, Rules, and Agriculture Committees.
After Larry died of a stroke in June 2011, his family created this scholarship fund in his memory, as a legacy to all that he did to help others through his family, professional, and civic life. The Hon. Larry Border Memorial Scholarship for WVU School of Pharmacy will provide scholarships to students who are in their 3rd or 4th year of pharmacy school at the WVU School of Pharmacy who are residents of West Virginia, with first preference to residents of Wood, Wirt or Ritchie Counties. Selection of recipients is made by the WVU School of Pharmacy based on financial need, ability to overcome obstacles, and a strong work ethic, with preference to students with dependent children.