Harold Haught and Dorcas Edmondson Haught

When Mr. Harold Haught wanted to do something special for the community where he grew up and lived for 31 years, he decided to honor a women who had an important impact on his life: his wife, Dorcas Edmondson Haught.

Dorcas Edmondson Haught was the daughter of the late Joseph and Fannie Edmondson. After graduating from Parkersburg High School in 1934, Mrs. Haught had the opportunity to attend Marietta College but was unable to do so because of financial struggles. Mrs. Haught worked as a secretary for Universal Glass Company for 13 years before moving to Toledo, Ohio with her husband, where she began raising a family. Wherever Mrs. Haught lived, she became active in civic affairs. She was the co-chairman of the PTA Committee focusing on a large school bond issue at Findlay, Ohio, which was successful. The Haughts had two children, Anne Haught Keith and Harold "Chip" Haught, Jr.