Charles Kreinik, 28, a charismatic character, one who could bemuse his friends with dark and slanted humor took his life on April 8, 2015. Charles was the son of Myla and Doug Kreinik of Parkersburg, the brother of Danielle and brother-in-law of Jonathan Siegel of Los Angeles, CA, and boyfriend of Mandy Iverson. He had friends in all four corners of the globe yet suffered and hid deep depression. After graduating with a degree in journalism from WVU in 2009, he wanted to help people. He went back to school to earn a second Bachelor's degree, this time from the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science. Unfortunately, this career was not at all what he imagined. Within the funeral industry he moved around trying different work situations in Baltimore, Cleveland, Kansas City and Minneapolis. The frustration and disappointment continually of not working with the living added to his depression finally causing his demise.
We have heard from his friends from around the world - school mates, exchange students, fraternity brothers, camp friends, former teachers and work associates. Everyone has memories of his boisterous laughter, mischievous eyes, wacky humor, slanted smile and willingness to always help others through their difficulties. The last time we spoke to Charles was on Easter Sunday. When Charles called, we would usually talk for at least an hour. We were in the car, so to keep our conversation going, we drove out of Parkersburg, through the rolling hills, across the ridges and down into the valleys. It was a very positive conversation on a beautiful spring day, with new life sprouting and as he spoke of the future ahead.
Charles loved people. He loved life to its fullest. He loved his family, his friends, and even the strangers he just met.